We create brands from exploration to identity development

In order for your product, its character, and philosophy, to fully take shape, it is
important to pay special attention to the development of a unique brand identity and
your signature style. 

Our Team at G Design Studio provides the full spectrum of brand:

— Market research as well as competition and target audience analysis;
— Brand concept development, positioning, and implementation of the brand
from the logo to website design and development;

— Growth strategy development and brand reputation management.

We like to think of a branding identity as a personality!
When we interact with a strong brand, we judge “a book by its cover” (its name,
slogan, logo, colors, and shapes). But behind that “cover” always lies a philosophy, a
reputation, and the unique characteristics of the product or service. 

The brand’s visual identity should produce firm associations: reliable and refined,
stylish and generous, delicious and light. 

We provide solutions to the following problems:

- You have an idea, a service, or a product. You need a go-to-market strategy;
- You have your signature style, but your website, logo, or app has grown out of

- You have a product or service, but you don’t have a name or defined brand; 
- Your visual communications differ from channel to channel and you’re looking for

- You have a brand but no growth strategy;
- You need a brand audit, augmentation, or a full rebrand.

What do we deliver?

- Branding is a multi-faceted step-by-step process that utilises many marketing
instruments. We select these instruments on a case by case basis based on your

- We strive to make the process as transparent as possible: we will explain in detail
how we develop the brand, and what lies at the basis of our pricing structure, and we
will negotiate all the upcoming milestones at the end of each phase. 

- Each of our clients selects their preferred level of involvement; you are free to
either do a deep dive with us and oversee all the details, or take a step back and
hand the process over to us, making only the key decisions.

- We are very responsive: we will share a portfolio of relevant past projects, ask you
questions, help you formulate your goals, and provide a proposal in two business

Stages of brand development

1. Research
We conduct a brand audit, analyze the market and formulate the target audience. 

2. Brand Concept
We define the array of ideas and keywords for the brand, the characteristics and
needs of the target audience, key imagery, differentiating factors from the
competition, and growth strategy. 

3. Naming
We help you name the project, product, or company and define an appropriate
slogan. These are then tested. 

4. Design and brand identity
We develop the logo, signature style, marketing formats, and package design. 

5. Website
We design and develop the website in order that it supports the brand and converts. 

How our pricing is structured

Since brand development is a multifaceted service, the cost of that service depends
on several factors: which problems need solving, which phases need to be included,
and which team members need to be involved. 

When our client engages us for the full cycle of brand development, the cost of
service is dependent on the number and experience level of the team on the project.

Who we are

Our team comprises professionals with at least 7-10 years of experience in the field
of design, marketing, and copywriting. 

Depending on the project, the team consists of:
- a project manager
- a marketing specialist
- a website developer
- 2 designers 
- an animator 
- a creative copywriter
- illustrators and photographers 


FHM group
Холдинг инноваций
Gelious soft
Охта Парк
ББР банк
Ростфинанс банк
Taleon Imperial
Eco therma
Helen hotel
Dk dent
La Faviere
Akhamt racing team
Lovely eva
Id project

we can build your brand today